Parents desire their child to be healthy and be physically fit. It is quite normal when a child puts on weight as he/she grows in stature over the years. The problem arises when the child is overweight and begins to develop health issue - it is then a real cause for concern for the parents as the child is at risk of being obese. Child obesity statistics shows that obesity in the youth is becoming a grave problem in the west.
The child is considered obese when his/her weight crosses the limits of the healthy body weight. Statistics show that obesity leads to a mixture of health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol among children and puts their health at risk. One of the major reasons of child obesity is the imbalance between the calories gained and the calories exhausted during activities and the basal metabolic rate.
Very often, statistics and facts about child obesity also show that it is the result of family, psychological, nutritional and physiological factors. Very often, the child is obese because they follow the eating habit patterns of their parents. In some cases, both the parents are obese and it is genetically inherited by the child. Being a couch potato is another reason for most of the children to become overweight according to statistics.
As per the research conducted by different scientists, child obesity can be hereditary. Sometimes hormonal disorders can also lead to child obesity. Many times, you come across children who overeat out of excitement or as comfort food. Some even eat to kill their boredom and stress. Statistics show that obesity in children has become a health issue not only in developed countries, but also in the developing countries. The statistics and facts of child obesity are alarming, and they cause major health concerns for children as they grow to become adults.
Few years ago, an overweight child will be seen as being well fed and looked after by the parents, but today, it has become a cause for concern, as being overweight could lead to inviting chronic disease and the child could be obese. Child obesity statistics show that this problem can develop in to life threatening problem for the child over a period of time. So remember, as it is well said, "Prevention is better than cure". As parents, always remember do not over feed your child when they are full; this will only make them obese.
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